Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Cisco Lan Switching

Cisco LAN Switching
Kennedy Clark
Kevin Hamilton
Publisher: Cisco Press
First Edition August 26, 1999
ISBN: 1-57870-094-9, 960 pages
CCIE Professional Development: Cisco LAN Switching is essential for preparation for the CCIE Routing and Switching
exam track. As well as CCIE preparation, this comprehensive volume provides readers with an in-depth
analysis of Cisco LAN Switching technologies, architectures and deployments. CCIE Professional Development: Cisco
LAN Switching discusses product operational details, hardware options, configuration fundamentals, spanning
tree, source-route bridging, multilayer switching, and other technology areas related to the Catalyst series switches.
The book presents these issues at advanced levels, providing overviews of both LAN technologies and Cisco
switching hardware, and covering Catalyst network design essentials not found anywhere else. CCIE candidates will
gain exam preparation through the following book elements: chapter-opening overviews of objectives;
scenarios that highlight real-world issues; configuration examples and case studies; and review questions and
About the Authors
Kennedy Clark is a CCIE instructor and consultant for Chesapeake Computer Consultants, Inc. (CCCI), a Cisco training partner. As a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI), Kennedy was one of the original Catalyst instructors for Cisco.
Having focused on Catalyst and ATM switching since 1996, he has taught a wide variety of switching classes. As a consultant for CCCI, Kennedy has been involved in the design and implementation of many large, switched backbones.
Kevin Hamilton is also an instructor and consultant for Chesapeake. As a CCSI, Kevin spends most of his instructional time teaching the Cisco Catalyst and ATM courses. Prior to joining Chesapeake, Kevin worked for 11 years at Litton-FiberCom, where he designed and deployed numerous analog and digital communications systems worldwide, including Ethernet, Token-Ring, FDDI, and ATM. Kevin obtained
a degree in Electrical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University.


Cisco Lan Switching


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